moving image art

Studio KOMOREBI multiple screen “DEESCEENseventhreefivesix” GIF (2021)

Studio KOMOREBI multiple screen “DEESCEENseventhreefivesix” GIF (2021)


Josiane Keller “DEESCEENseventhreefourseven” (2021)

DEESCEENseventhreefourseven (2021)

DEESCEENseventhreefourseven; to view click HERE (*password protected) Josiane Keller “DEESCEENseventhreefourseven”

DEESCEENzerozerofivenine (2021)

DEESCEENzerozerofivenine; to view click HERE (*password protected) Josiane Keller “DEESCEENzerozerofivenine” GIF (

A Full 360° Rotation @Under The Radar Vienna film festival / Wednesday, July 3. 2019 – 18:30 @ FILMHAUS KINO am Spittelberg, Wien

A Full 360° Rotation will screen @Under The Radar Vienna film festival next week. Schedule Festival If anyone is near, attend

I anyways live until I die /Part VII: The Whale /death (2014)

I anyways live until I die /Part VII: The Whale (death); to view click HERE Studio KOMOREBI “I anyways live until I die

I anyways live until I die /Part VI: Galloping Horses /adult life (2017)

I anyways live until I die /Part VI: Galloping Horses (adult life); to view click HERE Studio KOMOREBI “I anyways live u

I anyways live until I die /Part IV and V: The Swing and Worm in the Rain /childhood (2014)

I anyways live until I die /Part IV and V: The Swing and Worm in the Rain (childhood); song: Aurelian Beciug-Barber; to view c

I anyways live until I die /Part IV and V: The Swing and Worm in the Rain /childhood (2014)

I anyways live until I die /Part IV and V: The Swing and Worm in the Rain /childhood (2014); to view click HERE Studio KOMOREB

I anyways live until I die /Part II and III: The Fetus, ultrasound and in the womb /life prior birth (2014)

I anyways live until I die /Part II and III: The Fetus, ultrasound and in the womb (life prior birth); to view click HERE Stud

I anyways live until I die – / Part I: The Planets /the origin of life (2014)

I anyways live until I die /Part I: The Planets (the origin of life); to view click HERE Studio KOMOREBI “I anyways live