” … ‘Exactly,’ all the noblemen agreed, though they could see nothing, for there was nothing to see. “
[Excerpt from “The Emperor’s New Clothes” by Hans Christian Andersen, 1837]
“Handabbeisser” (German for: “one who bites off hands“, from the term: ‘don’t bite the hand that feeds you‘) is a blog and functions as production diary, sketchbook/portfolio-notes, news page, with occasional interviews included.
It was started in 2012, originally to communicate with a group of homeless youth in Oregon during a collaborative long-term /long-distance interview /blind-photo project (“Each reflection of myself echoes a different emotion at me”).
It is deliberately written in casual language that every average person can understand and relate to, making an effort to avoid “art-lingo” that uses language as status symbol and to create diversion addressing intentionally exclusively a particularly educated audience or one that likes to appear as such. It has been since twice deleted for various reasons and occasionally restarted again.
ホテル Hotel – Starfish’s sex change
Finally the money is there and Starfish is having his final stages sex change. Josiane Keller “Starfish’s sex chan
Driving at the Pier /Something Completely Different (2017)
To watch please click: HERE Confessions of a Runaway (Vol.II): runaway dog driving on the pier; puppet animation for children
Confessions of a Runaway – In the Cafe /Vol. I (2017)
To watch please click: HERE A little guy got unexpectedly a lift from Edinburgh to America, making it big in Hollywood (who w
eyes, various (2016)
ホテル Hotel – Surrogates – one year work’s output: return of work from Parabolica-bis show, Tokyo
Work from the Parabolica-bis show in Tokyo came back. It was a very nice show, thank you all for making it happen! Looking at
ホテル Hotel – Surrogates: Slide-Show @AUTOMATA, Los Angeles – revised flyer (2017)
* despite the fact that the depicted character “Molly”, stage name: “Molly Tyler”, is actually a man,
Aquarium poster (2016)
ホテル Hotel – Larry wants to join a Psych Rock Band and is breaking his wrist
Well, that’s the way the cookie crumbles. Larry and Starfish came across a sign someone was looking to start up a ̶
ホテル Hotel – Alexander is back from the hospital, a successful outdoor poster photo shoot and Larry got hit on the nose
Alexander was allowed home from the hospital and everyone is majorly relieved. Apparently somehow he had come in touch with ra
ホテル Hotel – PANIC: Alexander is in ER
Panic in the hotel. Alexander was rushed to the emergency room, with a bleeding nose, coughing blood, diarrhea and vomiting al
ホテル Hotel – Alexander’s first steps
Alexander is one year old and starting to walk. Laila took him out today and we took a short film clip, he is very determined,
ホテル Hotel – Chiaki injures her shoulder and a no show photo shoot
At the last photo shoot Chiaki must have injured her left shoulder somehow hanging from that branch all morning, so she needed
ホテル Hotel – Laila reading a magazine on the bed with a picture of her grandfather above
Whilst Starfish, Molly, Chiaki and Larry are out for photo-shootings and God knows what else Laila is doing her own thing, man
ホテル Hotel – Alexander new born and Alexander one year old pre-glaze fire
Alexander new born and Alexander one year old pre-glaze fire: Josiane Keller “Alexander new born and Alexander one year
ホテル Hotel – group shot outside with kimonos – Vol. II
Volume II of the outdoor shot with kimonos. Molly was the undisputed star, of course, and everyone hurling around her. They wa
Brief interlude: search for Félix Nadar – Pierrot the photographer – Le Mime Deburau 1854-2017
Mirror reflections: Josiane Keller “my daughter and search for Félix Nadar – Pierrot the photographer – Le
ホテル Hotel – group shot outside with kimonos – Vol. I
Things for the poster photo-shoot proceed slowly because of many reasons, really, one of them being that the rehearsals for
ホテル Hotel – Starfish’s geta and Larry’s geta
Finishing up Starfish’s and Larry’s geta for the fabulous poster shot to come: Josiane Keller “Starfish̵
a pile of mud
ホテル Hotel – Making of one-year old Alexander – Vol. II
One-year old Alexander, complete, pre-bisque: Josiane Keller “Alexander one year old” (2017) After some considerat
Brief Interlude: ホテル Hotel – PH21 Gallery Budapest: “Surrogate”-show featured on local culture TV station
Local culture TV station atv in Hungary features: http://www.atv.hu/videok/video-20170203-ferencvaros-qr-kodos-seta-2017-02-03
ホテル Hotel – Making of one-year old Alexander
Alexander is one year old (* Feb 3rd 2016) and has grown from an infant to a toddler. Interesting thought, as opposed to the o
ホテル Hotel – Chaki in a kimono outside
The girls are back from whatever they have been doing. Chiaki has a kinki moment and obviously needs to make some money, which
ホテル Hotel – AUTOMATA Peephole Cinema and selecting fabric for Larry’s kimono
Strange days. On one of the strangest days so far, (as long as this is a strange day and not a “normal” day we are
ホテル Hotel – Molly comforting Starfish
Tonight Molly made it home a bit earlier and brought along the kimono which she will be wearing for the poster (obviously Moll
ホテル Hotel – costume test: Starfish in a kimono is looking like a girl
Once again Molly is out at rehearsals at “Cafe Leben” til late night and Starfish is in, waiting for her, watching
ホテル Hotel – Molly is getting Starfish a modelling job
Possibly Molly has noticed Starfish’s devastation and tried to make the high waters smooth again. Apparently she has org
ホテル Hotel – Starfish with Goebbels the dog in Chiaki’s room
A new year has begun and things are in the happening and in the making. The old year ended with a lot of confusion and worry,
「 ホテル Hotel – Surrogates」- double exhibition in Tokyo/Budapest (2016/17)
mini-documentary of Tokyo/Budapest exhibition, Dec/Jan ’16/’17; to watch click HERE Josiane Keller 「 ホテル H
ホテル Hotel – Surrogates: guided tour with Gabor Pfisztner at PH21 Gallery Budapest
Guided tour with Gabor Pfisztner (in Hungarian) on Jan 5, 6:30 PM: http://www.ph21gallery.com/