Greek: ἁπτός haptόs “palpable”, ἁπτικός haptikόs “suitable for touching”
“Touching is one of our basic needs. If we could not use our sense to touch we would suffer mental deprivation.”
3d objects and figures from clay, suitable for touching and viewing as the human being visually experiences 3d objects in space. There is a difference to lens-based images created by cameras of these objects. Please compare.
[* Jan Švankmajer “Touch and Imagination. An Introduction to Tactile Art” (2014), translated by Stanley Dalby, Sydney Australia by I.B. Tauris & Co. Ltd., London, original Czech title: “Hmat a Imaginac. Uvod do taktilniho umeni” (tactile experiments between 1974-1983), published 1994 Kozoroh, Prague, Czech Republic]
apple blossom teapot (2022)
Josiane Keller “apple blossom teapot” white porcelain, underglaze, glass; scale: 12 cm x 28 cm x 9 cm (2022) apple
man taking a bath (2021)
Josiane Keller “man taking a bath” white porcelain, underglaze, glass; scale: 17 cm x 17 cm x 12 cm (2021) man tak
the exorcism of the little mermaid (2021)
Josiane Keller “the exorcism of the little mermaid” white porcelain, cream porcelain, red stoneware, underglaze, g
The Experienced Susanna (2021)
“The Experienced Susanna” shows a middle-aged woman sitting on a rock formation that encircles a small tide pool,
dancer 1 / An-der-Kante-Stehender / Gischt (2021)
The piece is showing a man standing at the edge of a rock or man made stone wall, his head raised up into the air, his body le
Ophelia (2021)
“Ophelia” is an interdisciplinary work inspired by the painting “Ophelia” by Sir John Everett Millais
squeezed tin can tea pot III (2021)
Josiane Keller “squeezed tin can tea pot III” red stoneware, underglaze, toxic glaze, found metal; scale, tea pot:
test sheep sheet sheep (2021)
Josiane Keller “test sheep sheet sheep” (2021) Josiane Keller “shadowsheep rainbow a” white porcelain,
test sheep 1b_2a_1b_2b (2021)
Josiane Keller “test sheep 1b_2a_1b_2b” white porcelain, scale, unfired: 4″ x 2.5″ x 6″ (2021)
white sheep torso (2021)
white sheep torso, stereoscopic 1 white sheep torso, stereoscopic 2 Josiane Keller “white sheep torso” white porce
black markhor ram (2020/21)
[SOLD, commissioned work] Josiane Keller “black markhor ram” anaglyph (2020/21) Josiane Keller “black markho
newborn kid (2020/21)
[SOLD] Josiane Keller “newborn kid” stoneware, porcelain, underglaze, glaze, glass; scale: 2.75″ x 4″
7 lambs in a row / the process of standing up (2020/21)
Josiane Keller “7 lambs in a row /the process of standing up” stoneware, porcelain, underglaze; scale: variable (2
Arupsu no Shojo 2 – multimedia installation (2021)
Arupsu no Shojo 2 (“girl from the alps”) is a multimedia installation (video, sound, sculpture) researching the fe
six snakes (2020)
Josiane Keller “six snakes” white porcelain, black porcelain, stoneware, underglaze, glaze, rock; scale: variable
lamb 7 (2020)
Josiane Keller “lamb 7” black and white porcelain, underglaze, glaze; scale: 11.25″ x 4.5 x 11.25″ (20
lamb 6 (2020)
Josiane Keller “lamb 6” stoneware, underglaze; scale: 6.25″ x 6″ x 10″ (2020) lamb 6 (detail) l
lamb 5 – ランビ /”Lambi” (2020)
lamb 5 – ランビ (Jap.:“Lambi”) “lamb 5 – ランビ /“Lambi”, white porcelain, und
lamb IV with small nature objects (2018 – 2020)
Josiane Keller “lamb IV with small nature objects” stoneware, porcelain, underglaze, glaze, glass; dimensions: var
Exhibition: “Belief and Unbelief” with Fukushima Kazumi and Yasuo Imai @Dohjidai Gallery, Kyoto, Sep.29th – Oct 4th 2020
“Belief and Unbelief”, 3 person exhibition with Fukushima Kazumi and Yasuo Imai at Dohjidai Gallery of Art “
lamb IV, with blossoms (2020)
Josiane Keller “lamb IV, with blossoms” white porcelain, underglaze; scale: lamb: 11″ x 6″ x 4 1/4R
tangled up sheep (2020)
[SOLD] Josiane Keller “tangled up sheep” white porcelain, black stoneware, black porcelain, underglaze, cotton; sc
space helmet, in wreckage (2020)
Josiane Keller “space helmet” porcelain, glaze, leather, copper, glass; scale: helmet: 4 1/2″ x 3 1/2″
grey snake hatching (2020)
Josiane Keller “grey snake hatching” white porcelain, black porcelain, underglaze, glaze, glass, mica, sand; scale
black snake hatching (2020)
[Sold] Josiane Keller “black snake hatching“, white porcelain, black porcelain, underglaze, glaze, glass, mica, sa
lamb III / lamb with umbilical cord (2020)
Josiane Keller “lamb III /lamb with umbilical cord” black stoneware, underglaze, copper wire; scale: 12″ x 9
lamb II / black lamb (2020)
* the effort of standing up for the first time Josiane Keller “lamb II / black lamb” black porcelain, underglaze;
green tin can tea pot (2020)
[SOLD] Josiane Keller “green tin can tea pot” porcelain, underglaze, glaze, glass, found metal; scale: 4.5″
red albino corn snake (2020)
Josiane Keller “red albino corn snake” white porcelain, underglaze, glaze; scale: &” x 6 1/2″ x 1
black snake (2020)
Josiane Keller “black snake” black porcelain, underglaze, glaze; scale: 7 1/2″ x 5″ x 1 1/2″ (20
squeezed tin can tea pot II (2020)
Josiane Keller “squeezed tin can tea pot II” stoneware, underglaze, ashglaze, glass, found metal; scale: 3.5″
lamb I (2020)
the exhaustion of being born Josiane Keller “lamb I” white porcelain, underglaze; scale: 11″ x 4″ x 3&
horse fetus (2020)
life or death Josiane Keller “horse fetus” white porcelain, glaze; scale: 11″ x 5″ x 2″ (2020) h
three eggs in egg stands (2020)
Josiane Keller “three eggs in egg stands” porcelain, underglaze, glaze; scale: variable (2020) three eggs in egg s
pioneer tin can tea pot (2020)
Josiane Keller “pioneer tin can tea pot” porcelain, underglaze, glaze, glass, found metal; scale: 4.5″ x 5&#
small snake with clutch of eggs (2020)
Josiane Keller “small snake with clutch of eggs” snake: red stoneware, underglaze, glaze /eggs: white porcelain, u