untitled (2014)

Josiane Keller “untitled” (2014)

peacock (2014)

Josiane Keller “peacock” (2014)

ice balloons (2014)

Josiane Keller “ice balloons” (2014)

worm in the rain – still(2013)

Josiane Keller “worm in the rain – still” (2013)

swing in the snow bright white (2013)

Josiane Keller “swing in the snow bright white” (2013)

lantern (2013)

Josiane Keller “lantern” (2013)

swing set in the snow (2013)

Josiane Keller “swing set in the snow” (2013)

Eileen on lightbox (2013)

Josiane Keller “Eileen on lightbox” (2013)

Yuki Onna (2013)

Josiane Keller “Yuki Onna” (2013)

early snow window (2013)

Josiane Keller “early snow window” (2013)

mini swing (2013)

Josiane Keller “mini swing” (2013)

old broomtop (2013)

Josiane Keller “old broomtop” (2013)

Memoir – film still (2013)

Josiane Keller “Memoir – film still” (2013)

The Mungo with board (2013)

Josiane Keller “The Mungo with board” (2013)

The Lincoln Brothers-Kiss (2013)

Josiane Keller “The Lincoln Brothers-Kiss” (2013)

Ernie and Bert – fence (2013)

Josiane Keller “Ernie and Bert – fence” (2013)

half moon Nr.2 (2013)

Josiane Keller “half moon Nr.2” (2013)

3 favors – Daniel and the beautiful woman (2013)

Josiane Keller “3 favors – Daniel and the beautiful woman” (2013)

full moon with a whirl (2013)

Josiane Keller “full moon with a whirl” (2013)

Mike Bradley with Beasley and Mr Lincoln (2013)

Josiane Keller “Mike Bradley with Beasley and Mr Lincoln” (2013)

Mike at foto wall (2013)

Josiane Keller “Mike at foto wall” (2013)

Pearl Street Junk Yard (2013)

Josiane Keller “Pearl Street Junk Yard” (2013)

Compagnie MaMa’s at PBS studios (2013)

Josiane Keller “Compagnie MaMa’s at PBS studios” (2013)

The Mungo walking down Coventry Road (2013)

Josiane Keller “The Mungo walking down Coventry Road” (2013)

Half Moon (2013)

Josiane Keller “Half Moon” (2013)

Cookie’s interview (2013)

Josiane Keller “Cookie’s interview” (2013)

African profile (2013)

Josiane Keller “African profile” (2013)

Josiane Keller “Nina’s elephant boxed up” (2013)

Josiane Keller “Nina’s elephant boxed up” (2013)

twin egg with sibling (2013)

Josiane Keller “twin egg with sibling” (2013)

Popelku and Vanilla (2013)

Josiane Keller “Popelku and Vanilla” (2013)

flying back through Minnesota (2013)

Josiane Keller “flying back through Minnesota” (2013)

an Usagi animation – still 2 (2013)

Josiane Keller “I don’t need these anymore / an Usagi animation – still 2” (2021)

shroud (2012)

Josiane Keller “shroud” (2012)  

murky Little Italy doorway at night (2012)

Josiane Keller “murky Little Italy doorway at night” (2012)

No wrinkle too tough (2012)

Josiane Keller “No wrinkle too tough” (2012)

MaMa’s (2012)

Josiane Keller “MaMa’s” (2012)

a bunch of shoes (2012)

Josiane Keller “a bunch of shoes” (2012)

smoking moon ball (2012)

Josiane Keller “smoking moon ball” (2012)

Blue Morpho hatched (2012)

Josiane Keller “Blue Morpho hatched” (2012)

creatures in a hole (2012)

Josiane Keller “creatures in a hole” (2012)