ホテル-Hotel-Surrogates – The Slide Show @ Prague Photo / 11th Edition 2018 with Centro Sperimentale di Fotografia CSF-Adams

ホテル-Hotel-Surrogates – The Slide Show @ PRAGUE PHOTO with Centro Sperimentale di Fotografia CSF-Adams



at Clam Gallas Palace:

Luisa Briganti - Josiane Keller - ホテル Hotel-Surrogates slide-show at PHOTO PRAGUE

(photo: Luisa Briganti) Josiane Keller – ホテル Hotel-Surrogates slide-show* at PRAGUE PHOTO,  Clam Gallas Palace (2018)

[*accidentally this work was here being shown as laptop screening, instead it is intended for medium scale live wall projection]

Luisa Briganti “Josiane Keller ホテル Hotel-Surrogates slide-show* at PHOTO PRAGUE” (2018)

[*accidentally this work was here being shown as laptop screening, instead it is intended for medium scale live wall projection]

Lusia Briganti “Josiane Keller ホテル Hotel-Surrogates slide-show* (excerpt) at PHOTO PRAGUE”  (2018)

[*accidentally this work was here being shown as laptop screening, instead it is intended for medium scale live wall projection]