Whilst Starfish, Molly, Chiaki and Larry are out for photo-shootings and God knows what else Laila is doing her own thing, many revolving around Alexander, understandably so. Alexander just turned one year old and the family from Tehran sent gifts without end, which Laila gracefully accepted, not without several snarky comments about the very same people. Vincent said nothing much to it and Starfish is too busy with his own issues to be jealous
Josiane Keller “Laila reading a magazine with a picture of her grandfather above” (2017)
Josiane Keller “Laila’s foot on the bed with traditional shoe” (2017)
Josiane Keller “Laila reading a magazine on the bed” (2017)
Josiane Keller “Laila reading a magazine on the bed 2” (2017)
Josiane Keller “Laila reading a magazine on the bed 3” (2017)