ホテル Hotel – Viola on the beach, Viola disappears and Fabienne’s photo on Viola’s bed

I have no idea (as ever so often) what is behind all this, but Viola has left the hotel. Of courses tenants move in and out regularly, which is the nature of any hotel and also the point of it, but usually at least in this hotel people leave a bit of a story about the where from and where to. Apparently in this case there is no story, or rather Vincent does not want to talk about it, but it must be pretty serious and unpleasant, because when people asked him about it he just frowned, grumbled and stated it was better for everyone involved if he wouldn’t talk about it, and wandered off.
He didn’t say it, but we all assume Viola is not going to come back, although in a place like this one one should never assume anything really.

Of course more than Viola’s disappearance Vincent’s cryptic comments cause a discussion, in particular Starfish has some radical ideas, such as that in reality Viola was a con artist wandering around from city to city with invented complicated stories about herself as long as people would fall for it and then vanish unnoticed moving to the next place, and somebody mentioned something of a secret sect, but that seems a bit too far fetched to me.

I am not sure what to think of it at all, but I definitely was surprised hearing Starfish talk like that, because usually he doesn’t seem like a gossip and so far I always thought he was a friend of Viola and one of the closer ones, and even if there was a reason he would have been the last person to spread rumors about her. So, obviously there are many things I don’t know.

It is odd, as seemingly she left unexpectedly relatively late in the evening, and as far as I can tell only Vincent must have known about it, and also because she left the treasured photograph of her dead lover Fabienne on her relatively clean and neatly made bed. Right now nobody knows if or if not she took MiuMiu along either, anyways the cat wasn’t to be found in Viola’s room or any other part of the hotel either, but it is very possible she is hiding somewhere and will pop up tomorrow or any time she gets hungry. Only one thing came up in the discussion I had been wondering about: Viola’s profession; after all she wasn’t a writer, as I had thought for some reason, but apparently an actress, originally classically trained for stage, but now working for TV and had over the last months a role for a television drama. Or so the story goes, right now around here anyways.

All this is news to me, and all comes as a particular surprise, because a few days ago I had taken her to the beach and taken a few photographs of her there. I had taken not very many and not all came out alright, but she is an interesting model and so we had planned to go out a second time these days and make it a serious photo session; also I had thought of using some of them for a movie poster commission I have, which means I could have paid Viola a decent modelling fee, and when I had suggested that to her she seemed pretty excited about the idea.
Josiane Keller - Viola on the beach

Josiane Keller “Viola on the beach” (2016)

Josiane Keller - Viola on the beach 2

Josiane Keller “Viola on the beach 2” (2016)

Josiane Keller - Viola on the beach 3

Josiane Keller “Viola on the beach 3” (2016)

Josiane Keller - Viola on the beach 4

Josiane Keller “Viola on the beach 4” (2016)

That afternoon on the beach she seemed happy and inspired and she had told me she would be travelling to Europe and many other places, once she could afford it, and it sounded as right now she couldn’t and that was the reason was keen on any chance to earn some money to realize this dream. However, a one day modelling fee as far as I can afford paying would never beat a TV drama acting contract, so I guess I was completely wrong in my conclusions.

Josiane Keller - Viola's bed with Fabienne's photo

Josiane Keller “Viola’s bed with Fabienne’s photo” (2016)

Josiane Keller - Viola's bed with Fabienne's photo 2

Josiane Keller “Viola’s bed with Fabienne’s photo 2” (2016)

Josiane Keller - Viola's bed with Fabienne's photo 3

Josiane Keller “Viola’s bed with Fabienne’s photo 3” (2016)

Josiane Keller - Viola's bed with Fabienne's photo 4

Josiane Keller “Viola’s bed with Fabienne’s photo 4” (2016)

Josiane Keller - Fabienne's photo on Viola's bed

Josiane Keller “Fabienne’s photo on Viola’s bed” (2016)

I suppose we will never find out what really happened, but maybe that’s for the best. For time being anyways she seems gone, leaving behind only Fabienne’s photo, if there even ever had been a Fabienne, and possibly that cat, too.