Gallery parabolica-bis show: 藤本由紀夫 Yukio Fujimoto –“処刑機械そして独楽 / “The execution machine and the spinning top”

Pictures of this show at Gallery parabolica-bis, Tokyo, (which I thought was particularly interesting), 藤本由紀夫 Yukio Fujimoto – 処刑機械そして独楽 (“The execution machine and the spinning top”):

Josiane Keller - 日野まき Maki Hino - parabolica-bis - Kafka a Kafka - show

Josiane Keller  日野まき Maki Hino – parabolica-bis – ‘Kafka a Kafka’ – show (2015)

In fact it was mainly the show of sound artist 藤本由紀夫 Yukio Fujimoto,

the figures are by doll artist 日野まき Maki Hino

actually here you can read her own BLOG post on setting up the show:

and further there was a separate room with an installation like a cocktail bar by the artist スカンク SKANK :

「音楽家によるカフカBAR」 by SKANK (“Kafka bar by the musician”);

upon inquiring I have been told that スカンク SKANK is the musician;

otherwise he composes music for “指環ホテル/Yubiwa Hotel” (a theatrical company famous in Japan), and that he respects 藤本由紀夫 Yukio Fujimoto very much.

This is SKUNK’s TWITTER link: スカンク/SKANK @hardcore_skank

and 指環ホテル/Yubiwa Hotel’s link is right here:

here you see four pictures of everything together, to give you an impression of it all:

Josiane Keller - 藤本由紀夫 Yukio Fujimoto - parabolica-bis - Kafka a Kafka show

Josiane Keller  藤本由紀夫 Yukio Fujimoto – parabolica-bis – ‘Kafka a Kafka’ show (2015)

Josiane Keller - 藤本由紀夫 Yukio Fujimoto - Kafka show 4

Josiane Keller  藤本由紀夫 Yukio Fujimoto – ‘Kafka a Kafka’ show (2015)

I found it a bit difficult finding the place, if you experience the same, it located in 浅草橋 Asakusabashi , apparently people buy traditional Japanese dolls in this area, so you might as well combine that with a visit to this funky gallery, their program features all sorts of surreal art-doll/puppet-related topics.

it is left from the Waseda Bunkakan Japanese language school, the orange building with the two large round windows:

Josiane Keller - Gallery parabolica-bis Tokyo

Josiane Keller “Gallery parabolica-bis, Tokyo” (2015)

This gallery is connected to an art book publisher yaso-peyotl:

with books on exactly that, surreal puppet/doll related work by Japanese and international artists, with a strong interest in in-their-field-famous, traditional Czech artists (from surrealist Jan Švankmajer to puppet animator Jiří Trnka, and recently also Polish artist Olaf Brzeski).